Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy B-day Alex!! (in 1.5 hours more)

Happy #23 Alex!! Hope you have a great day-love you so, so much! Good luck on your classroom teaching today too! So glad we got to see you in San Diego and can't wait till Thanksgiving time to see you again. Love every little thing about you! Wish we could go to lunch today. And a movie.


Lindsey said...

Wish I could take you to lunch today too! Love you sis. I have something for you when I see you!!!

Kasey said...

Me three. How fun would it be to all go out to lunch today? Love you Alex. Happy Birthday!

Alex and Mitch said...

I'm 22 mom!! got it wrong too. I wish all the girls could go to lunch and a movie too...that would be the greatest birthday!!! thanks mom! love you too!!

Jami said...

Happy Birthday, Alex! Geez, at least they could have said you were younger
hahaha! Ah 22, I don't even remember it!