Sunday, November 16, 2008


I have been here in Windwor the last 4 days helping watch Kelly's kids while she and Kasey are enjoying the good life in Hawaii. I'd feel sorrier for myself missing out on such a great vacation except the weather here has been amazing-high 70's, low 80's. I wasn't expecting and brought all the wrong clothes but it has been great. The kids are adorable and so much fun! Rylee has been my shopping buddy and entertained me with her high climbing antics. I found her one day on Kelly's vanity with the water turned on and Kelly's make up out. Cohen is always at my side and says the funniest things. He is a real chatter box and says the randomest stuff. Today we were coming back from the park and he says, "I was playing with my friends at the park. They are really nice to me. That is a sweet park. I wuv you grandma. You're going to Disneyland with me in a couple of days (actually we are going to Utah)" Ammon is his usual sweet self. On Friday when he went in to shower, he suddenly returned to my room and I asked him why and he said, "Because I wanted to give you a hug and a kiss." Adorable. It's been fun hanging with Jody and the kids. I even made Jody his birthday dinner and cake yesterday. Hanging with him is easy-how many mother-in-laws/son-inlaws can feel that comnfortable to spend that much time together? I feel very fortunate with my family relationships.

I leave tomorrow when Jody gets home from work and drive home and then fly out the next day to Utah. Alex and I will do wedding stuff and then on Thursday, Kelly and Rylee come. On Saturday, Lee, Jody, Ammon and Cohen arrive for for a fun week at Snowbird. Chris is coming on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I wish the rest of the family could come but am looking forward to partial -family fun. And all fo us getting to know Mitch, Alex's fiancee. Fun times.


Alex and Mitch said...

Can't wait for you to get here mom!!! Seriously I have been counting down hanging out with you, dad, kelly, jody and the kids for so long!!! :)

Jami said...

Isn't this weather awesome! Just catching up on blogs. You are a wonderful grandma to help out so much, even living 5 hours away! And yea, not many mother and son in laws get along that well. You are lucky. Have fun wedding planning!

Lindsey said...

nice weather! glad you and jodith had a nice time...he just like one of the girls! jk! haha