Sunday, February 03, 2008

Meet the Parents

That's what Alex's boyfriend, Jeff, got to do this weekend. He also met Jody, Kelly and their kids. Jeff is a really nice boy and we had a great time showing him a rainy Humboldt weekend. Of course, it cleared for most of today. We did manage a quick trip to the beach, a couple of movies, eating out a few times, a game of pool and introduced him to our favorite game, Settlers of Cataan. It was so wierd though. They seem so young (or am I just really gettting old). It seemed like they should be going on a prom date together instead of coming for the weekend. Maybe that's how it always is with the youngest. We had a great time with them though and are so glad they came! I felt so bad that he left with a nasty cold though. Love my little girl so much!!!!

P.S. I've now lost 8.5 lbs!!!!!!!!!


Kasey said...

That looks like a very cute picture of them, but do you have any that are less blurry? Glad you guys had fun and good to hear that you approve!
Congrats on losing 8.5 pounds! That's awesome!

Aubree said...

Yea on the weight loss! You are over halfway! Sounds like a fun weekend!

Lindsey said...

They look really cute together! I'm glad it was a good weekend despite the rain and I'm really happy for Alex! Can't wait to meet Jeff myself. Congrats on losing the lbs. That's awesome, mamacita.

Alex and Mitch said...

Thanks so much for flying us out and taking us out to eat and to the movies. We both had a lot of fun and Jeff really like everyone a lot!!

seanandkadi said...

They look pretty cozy! They sure are a cute couple. I'd like to know what Lee thinks about this, or maybe he has mellowed out in his older years like my dad.