Thursday, March 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Julie!!

I am just sneaking this in under the wire. It is still March 29th and that means it is still my sister Julie's birthday. She is an amazing sister!! She does so much service for other people - just like my mom did. She is so loving and kind to everyone that I am sure there are about 10 people who count her as their "best" friend. I love spending time with her, hoping more of her goodness will rub off on me. Unfortunately, she has a rather "slow" sister who wrote 3/28 all day and thought her birthday was tomorrow! She didn't even get a phone call from me today because I planned to call tomorrow. What a dummy! Hope you had a great day, Julie! I love you very, very much!!


Kasey said...

Mom, you crack me up. I do the same kinds of things these days.
Happy Birthday, Julie!

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday, Aunt Julie! Can't wait to see you!

Kelly said...

I did the same thing with dad's birthday this year! But at least you got it before the day was over. Have to agree Julie is a wonderful person and I always have so much fun around her. Happy birthday Aunt Julie!

Anonymous said...

Pam, Thank you for those great comments. I don't have any friends. I have had the example from my wonderful sister and mom. Thanks, Lindsey, Kasey, and Kelly, I love you all. Julie