Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Ammon spent the night last night with us. It was hilarious. He has been Superman for quite a while now. He always has his Superman cape on (thanks Aunt Kasey). So he has the cape on and we start the movie. He runs out of the room suddenly and reappears with a shirt on over the cape and Grandpa's reading glasses on. Now he's Clark. A little later in the movie he is tearing off the shirt and glasses and has become Superman. He is now standing on the coffee table with his arms up like he is flying. Mind you he is not looking at us to see our reaction he is just totally into character. Just before Superman becomes Clark again, Ammon is redressing with the shirt and glasses. He has the movie completely memorized so that he can dress right on cue. When it was the time that Lois and Superman fly in the sky, he comes over to me and says, "Lois, you need to stand up so we can fly!" So we did. Seriously, it is the funniest experience in the world.


Jami said...

I would love to see that little boy in action! He is hilarious!

Kelly said...

I have witnessed this too many times! I need to get it on camera because it is hilarious. He has the wildest imagination.

Kasey said...

That is too funny! I can't believe how into Superman he is. And the fact that he does it without watching for your reaction kills me. He could probably be in a room with nothing but his Superman cape and a movie and be entertained for hours! Kelly, you have GOT to get that on video.

The White Way said...

I love that kid!!! He is just to much for words.

Alex and Mitch said...

i miss that boy sooo much! that is seriously so hilarious.