Monday, June 11, 2007


I went down on June 1st to help Kelly moved and left Santa Rosa on the 4th to go see Kasey and the kids. It was a great trip, love those kids and Kasey so much, but I was not a lot of fun. I was exhausted!! Lesson learned: Don't try to crowd so much into so little time. I had gone to Kaui May 20th, came home and worked HARD 5 days learning a new position which is always more tiring, went and helped Kelly moved and then traveled all day to Iowa. However, I was able to watch a hilarious t-ball game and Kasey was right. Kaden loves it, is extremely competitive and talented. Alexa is pretty oblivious that there is a game going on but she loves to smile and wave. Seriously, she is the funniest child around. I call her my "ditsy diva". She is always talking a million miles an hour and is silly, silly, silly. Sienna is a perfect, beautiful child. I absolutely love how she lays her head on my shoulder everytime I picked her up. Granted, she will do that to anyone but still.... Luckily, they are all coming here this summer when Kasey and Matt go on their beach trip so we will have lots more fun then. I had fun going to Des Moines to the zoo and eating at Cheesecake Factory (ymm!), seeing my nephew Alex and shopping at the outlets (what a good sport and great kid Alex is), and going to the North Liberty parade and just hanging out. I love my Iowa grandkids!!! Pictures to follow.

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